Door Knocking for Realtors

agent door knocking lead generation real estate realtor

I want to share my biggest mistake in my real estate sales career. It was early in my career. Not long after I became a licensed real estate Agent and joined my local board of Realtors, I was invited to a class about lead generation. This was back before the market collapsed during the "Great Recession". There was a lot of business going on and home builders were hosting these lavish events and I got to attend. 

After the trays of food  were carried out, a lady gets up on stage. She began to tell us how much business she had and she was going to tell us the secret to how she did it. We were all on the edge of our seats. That is of course until she told us how she did it. I remember how she raised her hand in the air and made the motion of knocking on a door.


They had gotten 400 people in a room to tell us about door knocking? My first reaction was "I'm not knocking on doors". That was such a weird concept to me. I left that class and I didn't go door knock. Many years passed and a recession passed and I still had not gone out and door knocked. 

The market began to heat up again and I started hearing people talking about door knocking again. This time my attitude was different. I was no longer a 25 year old kid that knew everything. I was now a much older and wiser Realtor that knew he didn't know everything. I started researching it a little and I began to realize that an overwhelming majority of top producing agents started off door knocking. Well, as the video I provided in the post indicates, I started door knocking. At first I had no idea on how to do it. There was a lot of trial and error, yet I started to get listings.

I was amazed. I used to think that I was going to be bothering people, yet instead, people were nice and receptive.  I began to take appointment after appointment and listing after listing. I started making good money knocking on those doors. I was amazed.

Over the years I continued to refine my approach and created an entire system were door knocking was a big component of it. I found that I could door knock 100 hours a year on average and make over $100,000 a year doing it, on top of all the other business I had from my sphere, etc.

I'm not making a sales pitch here, yet if you want to know how I took Door Knocking, Open Houses, Direct Mail and systematized it into a predictable way to get 18 listings a year or more from a small geographic farm then check out this link here.

If you are curious to learn more about Door Knocking, check out the video.

Good luck in your lead generation! 

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